The troop is boy-led and the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters provide a tremendous amount of guidance using the Methods of Scouting.
The Boy Scout Troop Committee is responsible for conducting the business of the troop, setting policy, and helping the Scoutmaster with the outdoor program and other planned activities. The Committee also has the responsibility to provide adults for Boards of Review. This is an important responsibility and is one area where help is always needed and appreciated. The Committee consists of parent volunteers who fulfill various roles. These roles are defined below.
Each Adult Volunteer must complete an adult application, Youth Protection Training and any training specific to their positing within the Troop. Depending upon the position, they must be between at least 18 and 21 years of age or older. Any adult leader participating in camping activities must complete an annual BSA Annual Health and Medical Record Form.
Minimum positions for a chartered group
A chartered Boy Scout troop requires a Chartered Organization Representative, a Committee Chairman, at least two committee members, and a Scoutmaster.
Troop Committee Positions
Chartered Organization Executive Officer: Fr James Valenzuela
The executive officer of the chartered organization, by signature, certifies that the organization approves the application. The executive officer also certifies that the organization has approved all registering adults.
Chartered Organization Representative (1 of Key 3): Christopher Hrbacek
The Chartered Organization Representative is the direct contact between the unit and the Chartered Organization. Is an active and involved member of the district committee and the local Council. Appoints a troop committee chair and encourages training. As a Key Three member, maintain a close relationship with the Committee Chairman and the Scoutmaster. Helps recruit other adult leaders. Assists with unit rechartering. Encourages service to the organization.
Troop Committee Chairman (1 of Key 3): Allene Doucette
The unit committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization and registered as an adult leader of the BSA. Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed. As a Key Three member, maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster. Interpret national and local policies to the troop. Prepare troop committee meeting agendas. Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called. Encourage troop representation at monthly roundtables. Arrange for charter review and
recharter annually.
Troop Secretary: OPEN
The unit secretary is appointed by the committee chairman to keep minutes, send notices and minutes, and handle publicity.
Troop Treasurer: Leona Pahalek
The unit treasurer is appointed by the committee chairman to handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. Maintain checking and savings accounts. Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorizations. Supervise the camp savings plan. Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Troop Advancement Coordinator: E. Hernandez
The unit advancement coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to ensure that the unit has monthly boards of review, quarterly courts of honor. Encourage Scouts to advance in rank and to maintain their advancement records. Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor list. Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held. Secure badges and certificates. Work with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other advancement literature. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Troop Equipment Coordinator: Christopher Hrbacek
The unit equipment coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to work with the youth Quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment. Supervise and help the troop procure camping equipment. Responsible for inventory, storage, and maintenance of unit equipment. Make periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear, and encourage troops in the safe use of all outdoor equipment. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Troop Outdoor/Activities Coordinator: OPEN
The unit outdoor/activities coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to secure tour permits and permission to use camping sites. Serve as transportation coordinator. Ensure a monthly outdoor program. Promote the National Camping Award. Promote attendance at troop campouts, camporees and summer camps to reach the goal of an outing per month. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Troop Membership & Scout Parent Coordinator: OPEN
The unit membership & scout parent coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to help ensure a smooth transition of new Scouts and Scout Parents into the unit and orientation for new parents. To keep Scout Parents informed and encourage them to help with at least one specific task or project each year.
Troop Training & Health Form Coordinator: OPEN
The unit training & health form coordinator is appointed by the committee chairman to ensure training opportunities and resources are up-to-date and available. Maintain training records and materials, BSA Medical Forms and is responsible for BSA Youth Protection and Troop Position training. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.
Troop Fundraising Coordinator: OPEN
The Unit Fundraising Chair, also called the "Popcorn Kernel" in some councils, is appointed by the committee chairman to supervise Fundraising and ensure that every youth member has the opportunity to participate in Popcorn sales or other troop or council Fundraising events.
Committee Member: Rachel Broughton
Committee Member: Doug Cashio
Committee Member: Stephen Kolek
Committee Member: Patton Nevels
Committee Member: Ross Padden
Committee Member: Stephen Prettyman